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Artist: Stefano PANE Monfeli
Title: Just Push the Button
Year: 2003
Medium: Book
Language: Italian/English
Pages: 120
Binding: Softcover
Size: 24 x 21 cm


Through the memories of many protagonists, Stefano Pane Monfeli & Monia Cappuccini redesign the fundamental points and the spirit of the development of graffiti writing in Italy, and in particular in Rome, where the subways, more than those of other cities and countries, have been painted and bombed by many important writers, coming to Rome from Europe, as much as from all over the world.

A series of stories, almost like a documentary, for capturing the essence of the world of Writing. The book, starting from the choice of photographic materials, is designed to also be a must-have of the Aerosol Art movement and urban culture in Italy and abroad.